Ich blick’ in mein Herz und ich blick’ in die Welt: Songs to Texts by Emanuel Geibel | Gramola 99136

Ich blick’ in mein Herz und ich blick’ in die Welt: Songs to Texts by Emanuel Geibel


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Label: Gramola

Cat No: 99136

Barcode: 9003643991361

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 1

Genre: Vocal/Choral

Release Date: 12th January 2018



Ulf Bastlein (bass-baritone)
Sascha El Mouissi (piano)


Brahms, Johannes

Lieder (5), op.94
» no.3 Mein Herz ist schwer
Lieder (6), op.85
» no.5 Fruhlingslied

Bruckner, Anton

Im April, WAB75

Brull, Ignaz

Landliches Fruhlingslied

Fesca, Alexander

O stille dies Verlangen

Franz, Robert

Im April

Grieg, Edvard

Songs (6), op.48
» no.2 Dereinst, Gedanke mein

Grunfeld, Alfred


Herrmann, Gottfried

In den mondverklarten Luften

Jensen, Adolf

Gesange (7) aus dem Spanischen Liederbuch, op.21
» no.6 Am Ufer des Flusses, des Manzanares
Und schlafst du, mein Madchen

Lachner, Franz

Die stille Wasserrose

Lyra, Justus W.

Wanderschaft (Der Mai ist gekommen)

Mendelssohn, Felix

Gesange (6), op.86
» no.5 Der Mond
Lieder (6), op.99
» no.5 Wenn sich zwei Herzen scheiden

Pluddemann, Martin

Volkers Nachtgesang

Randhartinger, Benedikt

Das sterbende Kind

Schumann, Clara

Lieder (6), op.13
» no.6 Die stille Lotosblume

Schumann, Robert

Gedichte (3), op.30
» no.1 Der Knabe mit dem Wunderhorn
» no.3 Der Hidalgo
Liederalbum fur die Jugend, op.79
» no.7 Zigeunerliedchen I 'Unter die Soldaten'
Lieder und Gesange II (5), op.51
» no.1 Sehnsucht

Wolf, Hugo

Spanisches Liederbuch
» no.7 Wer sein holdes Lieb verloren
» no.21 Alle gingen, Herz, zur Ruh


Ulf Bastlein (bass-baritone)
Sascha El Mouissi (piano)


The German author Emmanuel Geibel (1815–1884) enjoyed great popularity during his lifetime; his support for a strong and aggressive Prussia – uttered in his poetry as well – contributed to the end of the reception of his texts at the latest in 1919, after the German hegemonic demands had led to World War I. Until then, however many of his poems were set to music by many composers. On this album by bass baritone Ulf Bästlein and Sascha El Mouissi, piano, dedicated to the work of Geibel, there can be found songs by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Robert Schumann, Franz Lachner, Adolf Jensen, Alexander Fesca, Benedict Randhartinger, Clara Schumann, Alfred Grünfeld, Hugo Wolf, Edvard Grieg, Johannes Brahms, Gottfried Herrmann, Anton Bruckner, Ignaz Brüll, Justus W. Lyra, Robert Franz, Max Reger and Martin Plüddemann.

Ulf Bästlein was awarded several prizes, including the VDMK singing competition in Berlin and the Nürnberger Meistersinger competition. He has sung in almost every European country and frequently appears as a guest at international music festivals. His wide repertoire ranges from Monteverdi, Bach, Händel and Mozart up to contemporary compositions. Numerous recordings testify to his versatility as a performer. In 1999 he was appointed to the post of Professor at the Musikhochschule in Lübeck and in 2000 he was also appointed Professor of Singing at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz/Austria. Ulf Bästlein regularly leads masterclasses both in Germany and abroad.

Sascha El Mouissi has just completed a busy international concert schedule and has been invited to numerous festivals, such as the Festwochen in Vienna, both in Germany and abroad. His concert tours have taken him to England, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and Marocco. In addition to his solo piano performances, he can be seen as a chamber musician and, most often, as the piano accompanist for renowned vocalists. Several recordings were radio broadcasted in Germany and Austria on the SWR 2 and ORF. During Mastersclasses Sascha El Mouissi plays piano with the vocalists KS Marjana Lipovsek, Andreas Scholl, KS Axel Köhler.

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